Article 7 of the Indian Constitution: Rights of Citizenship of certain migrants to Pakistan

Article 7 of the Indian Constitution: Rights of Citizenship of certain migrants to Pakistan
Posted on 09-07-2023

Article 7 of the Indian Constitution: Rights of Citizenship of certain migrants to Pakistan

Article 7 of the Indian Constitution deals with the termination of citizenship. It lays down the provisions for the cancellation or deprivation of Indian citizenship in certain circumstances. Understanding Article 7 requires examining its provisions, historical context, interpretation, and significance in shaping the Indian citizenship framework.



Article 7 is a significant provision of the Indian Constitution as it addresses the termination of citizenship and the circumstances under which an individual's citizenship can be canceled or revoked. This provision is essential to maintain the integrity of the citizenship framework and to ensure that Indian citizenship is not misused or obtained through fraudulent means.


Historical Background:

The provision of Article 7 was included in the Indian Constitution to address the concerns related to illegal migration, particularly during the period surrounding the partition of India in 1947 and the subsequent waves of migration. The Constitution sought to establish clear guidelines for determining and safeguarding Indian citizenship while preventing misuse or fraudulent acquisition of citizenship.


Provisions of Article 7:

Article 7 of the Indian Constitution is succinctly worded and states:

"Notwithstanding anything in Articles 5 and 6, a person who has after the 1st day of March, 1947, migrated from the territory of India to the territory now included in Pakistan shall not be deemed to be a citizen of India."

The provision sets forth the condition that individuals who migrated from India to the territory now included in Pakistan after the 1st day of March, 1947, will not be considered Indian citizens. This provision effectively terminates their Indian citizenship and prevents them from continuing to hold Indian citizenship.


Interpretation and Significance:

The interpretation and significance of Article 7 have evolved through judicial pronouncements, constitutional amendments, and subsequent legislation. The Supreme Court of India has played a crucial role in interpreting and clarifying the provisions of Article 7 in various cases.

One notable case that influenced the interpretation of Article 7 is the Sarbananda Sonowal v. Union of India (2005) case. The Supreme Court held that individuals who migrated from Bangladesh to India after the cut-off date of March 24, 1971, would be considered illegal migrants and would not be entitled to the benefits of citizenship. This decision reinforced the importance of implementing the provisions of Article 7 to prevent illegal migration and safeguard the integrity of Indian citizenship.

It is essential to note that Article 7 has been supplemented by subsequent legislation and amendments, particularly the Citizenship Act of 1955. The Citizenship Act provides further details and procedures for determining and terminating citizenship in various circumstances, including those related to illegal migration. These legislative measures have contributed to the implementation and practical application of the provisions of Article 7.

It is also important to distinguish between illegal migrants and refugees. While Article 7 deals with the termination of citizenship for individuals who migrated illegally, India has separate provisions and processes to address the status and rights of refugees, including the Foreigners Act, 1946, and various notifications and orders issued by the central government.



Article 7 of the Indian Constitution deals with the termination of citizenship and the circumstances under which an individual's Indian citizenship can be canceled or revoked. It reflects the commitment of the Indian Constitution to maintain the integrity of the citizenship framework and prevent the misuse or fraudulent acquisition of Indian citizenship.

The interpretation and significance of Article 7 have evolved through judicial pronouncements and subsequent legislation. It plays a crucial role in addressing the challenges posed by illegal migration and ensuring that Indian citizenship is granted and maintained in a lawful and legitimate manner.

As India continues to address issues related to citizenship and migration, Article 7 will remain a fundamental provision that upholds the principles of integrity, justice, and protection of the citizenship rights of individuals within the country. It serves as a tool to safeguard the sovereignty and security of the nation while upholding the values and principles enshrined in the Indian Constitution.

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