The taboo of female enjoyment.

The taboo of female enjoyment.
Posted on 17-03-2022

Female sexuality in general suffered and still suffers from many prejudices and censorship in the patriarchal culture. Female sexual exploration is still judged and evaluated from a male perspective, even among women.

The issue of women's sexual enjoyment has been opening up and making itself visible relatively recently, although feminism has been working on this for a long time.

Taboo implies something secret or hidden, invisible and, at the same time, powerful. The taboo is hidden because it generates fear. The woman's body and enjoyment have been limited and contained based on a male perspective. For this reason, for a long time, the free exploration of female sexuality has been demonized. The patriarchal culture fears feminine enjoyment because it does not understand it, it cannot catalog or analyze it.

The taboo of enjoyment exceeds the sexual. Women are restricted in enjoyment, in pleasure, in enjoyment in general. The demands in which women currently fall cut and mold their body and their needs to patriarchal considerations that exclude everything that is not useful or functional for them.

The exploration of one's own body and one's sexuality is not easily put into words. It is not something that is talked about, even among women. It is a topic that is still covered with a halo of mystery and danger. Fortunately, there is currently much of this that is being deconstructed, and that allows us to work on this invisibility, in spaces that allow greater openness and the possibility of exchanging and building on these issues.

Women in this culture have been so restricted from the connection with their body and with enjoyment, that they still have to defy their own internal censorship. Depending on the generations and the level of questioning and deconstruction that has been carried out individually, access to greater freedom and deployment in this field will be different. In many cases, the blockage can become such that all possibility of sexual enjoyment is lost and a complete disconnection of pleasurable bodily sensations takes place.

The harsh mandate of the female body for the sole purpose of reproduction, which is transmitted from religious dogmas and is present in cultural discourses, has left strong damage that is lodged directly in the body of women. It becomes flesh, transforming itself in many cases into an abyss. The abyss between body and pleasure. This abyss manifests itself, for example, whenever a woman dissociates herself in the sexual act, not enjoying herself but holding space for the man who acts according to her own enjoyment. The woman's body is in this case fulfilling a function exclusively at the service of male pleasure, and the dimension of her own enjoyment does not intervene.

We are in a stage of change and active reflection on these issues. Sexuality and gender identities today more than ever open the panorama to think from and for diversity, as the only possible way to live in a community with mutual respect.

It is an opportunity to make visible and reflect even more on female enjoyment, enabling diverse experiences and more open communication on this topic in relationships and in society as a whole.



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