The well-being of employees in companies.

The well-being of employees in companies.
Posted on 19-03-2022

In recent times, the well-being of employees in the business environment has begun to be considered a higher priority. It was observed that if the workers were not well, productivity was affected.

Companies measure their priorities based on productivity. However, consideration for the welfare of your employees is a matter that should go beyond economic issues.

The workgroups constitute small communities, networks of relational interactions that produce effects. The bad work environment, the discomfort in one or more of the members generates effects in the others. It's a feedback loop that can foster vicious dynamics.

A space must be created in this area that fosters good communication and takes into consideration the emotional and personal situations of those who work there. Humanizing companies implies precisely the recognition of the psychological aspects involved.

Whenever we refer to people, we will be faced with the complexity that the existence of the human implies. Emotional, unconscious, defensive, historical aspects intervene and influence our actions. Although, of course, a company will not be able to address all of this in each of its employees, it does have to be attentive to variations in their well-being and how this may be affecting their health.

Much of a person's life passes in the workplace. Communicating and interacting in that network or group. Links of great daily nature are established where the identities of the people are often closely linked to the business matrix. For this reason, it generally happens that layoffs or situations that companies handle with great coldness tend to frustrate and emotionally affect those who receive it because there is a significant commitment to the psychology of that person in relation to the company. In many cases, a feeling of belonging and familiarity is constituted, which implies that all the changes and decisions made in that context have a significant impact on the person.

For this reason, it is essential to monitor the overall health and well-being situation of the people who work in said company. This allows interactions to work better and also makes it possible to accompany the person in whatever they have to solve.

We can no longer continue with business systems that ignore the mental health of their workers. If they work with people, they must attend to the psychological discomfort of those who are part of them. Not only because of that particular person, but because of the impact, it brings to the entire network.

The workplace as we knew it is changing, not only because of the current pandemic situation, which has already had a sufficient impact but also because the rhythms of constant demand have been shown to have serious consequences on health. If we want to build work systems that are sustainable over time, we must include psychological factors. Leaving them aside we only postpone possible problems. Giving them space and stimulating the work of these aspects through certain dynamics, we benefit the health of the workers and enable greater adaptation and exchange within the workspace.


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