Which aspect of the novel does e.m. forster define as repitition plus variance?

Which aspect of the novel does e.m. forster define as repitition plus variance?
Posted on 19-08-2023

E.M. Forster defines the aspect of the novel as "repetition plus variance" in relation to the pattern of structure and rhythm in a novel. This concept is discussed in his book "Aspects of the Novel," which was first published in 1927.

In the book, Forster explores various aspects of novel writing and analysis. He uses the phrase "repetition plus variance" to describe the way in which successful novels establish patterns or themes that are repeated throughout the narrative, but with variations that keep the reader engaged and interested. This interplay between repetition and variation creates a sense of cohesion and structure in the novel while also allowing for the exploration of different angles, perspectives, and developments.

Forster's idea of "repetition plus variance" suggests that novels often rely on recurring motifs, themes, or events that are presented in slightly different ways each time they appear. This technique helps to establish a rhythm and structure within the narrative while also reflecting the complexities and nuances of real life.

Overall, Forster's insights in "Aspects of the Novel" provide valuable perspectives on the craft of novel writing and shed light on how authors can create engaging and meaningful stories.

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